Featured image of post Attack On Titan Ymir Death Manga / Titans are typically several stories tall, seem to have no intelligence, devour human beings and as the smaller titans flood the city, the two kids watch in horror the tragic events that follow, as the titans devour people uninpeded.

Attack On Titan Ymir Death Manga / Titans are typically several stories tall, seem to have no intelligence, devour human beings and as the smaller titans flood the city, the two kids watch in horror the tragic events that follow, as the titans devour people uninpeded.

منذ قرون مضت، تم قتل البشر وهم الأن على وشك الانقراض، من قبل مخلوقات بشعة تسمى العمالقة، مما أجبر البشر على الإختباء في خوف خلف جدران دائرية.